Step 1: Initial Planning and Feasibility:
Define the property, talk to the regulators, make a concept plan and budget.
Develop initial website for updates, documents and gathering initial interest.
Talk to the neighbors.
- Define the Property:
- Perform a survey of the property, mapping the land elevations, legal boundaries, and overlay any known environmental features (such as wetlands, streams, or floodplains).
- Talk to the Regulators:
- Hillsborough County:
- Environmental Protection Commission (wetlands).
- Site Development Department (Zoning, Engineering, Public Works, Utilities, Flood, Fire).
- Property Appraiser (estimate future property taxes).
- Southwest Florida Water Management District (Stormwater and Wetlands).
- City of Plant City (annexation and utilities).
- TECO/FPL (Electrical Utility).
- FEMA (Floodplain Administration).
- Make a concept plan and budget:
- Take the initial concept far enough to be able to develop a budget for earthworks and infrastructure/site development.
- Develop unit costs.
Step 2: Submit a concept plan to the regulators: Submit a concept plan to the regulators.
Status: Talking to the neighbors.